our resident geekologist, LOSTie and total movie nerd, brandon, came across some websites listing questions they say Lost HAS to answer. he felt compelled and qualified to opine.
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10 Questions Lost Needs to Answer
(posted May 18th on Jezebel, before "What They Died For")
1.) Charles Widmore
There are so many mysteries surrounding Charles Widmore, and I'm certain that not all of them will be cleared up, but we need something more. Like, how did he and Eloise come to live on the Island? Who is Penny's mother? Why didn't he have anything to do with raising his son, Daniel Faraday?
I'm not sure I need to know exactly how Widmore and Eloise got to the island…probably the same way everyone else did, by "accident," or offered the job by Jacob (like Dogen). I'm also not concerned with Penny's mother, we were told that Widmore left the island and carried out an affair with an off-island woman. Good enough for me, and enough to explain why he and Eloise aren't together (and why he didn't raise Faraday).
2.) Fertility
Lost fans—or at least I—will be livid if the issue of the Island's fertility problem is not addressed by the end of the finale. At some point, either right before or right after the purge of the DHARMA folk, women were able to conceive, but not give birth, on the Island. Or they were able to give birth, but not conceive on the Island. We need to know why!
This might be a little grating, but I can live with it. My guess is it's the downside to the island's healing factor. Or maybe that since it contains The Source, there can't be people to be creating populations there.
3.) The Statue
Connected to the fertility issue is the statue of Taweret, who is the Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility. Who built it?
Um. I would guess Egyptians. There have been several obvious hints that Egyptians once inhabited the island, and if childbirth is impossible, I could see primitive people building a large statue to a fertility goddess. Although who knows…Ethan was born on the island, and we assume conceived there…although we don't know for sure.
4.) Infection
According to the dirty Temple hippies, Sayid and Claire are "infected." Rousseau talked about how the science team also got infected. What the hell does that mean, how does it happen, and is this just a red herring?
It may never have been explained fully, but the infection is the "corruption" that happens when you begin to turn to Blackie's side. Sayid and Claire both had it (and were put through The Others' test), and Rousseau's team was infected after heading down under the temple to Blackie's lair. A bigger question…why does Blackie have a lair under a temple he can't enter, and why were there Egyptian carving of him when he wasn't created until long after Egyptian times? Was there perhaps a previous Smokie?
5.) Sideways Universe
How did it come to be? Will it ever converge with the original timeline? What does it all mean!!?!?!?
Through the explosion of Jughead, I'm guessing, and I believe the finale will answer this question.
6.) Island Under Water
In the first few minutes of this season, we saw that, in the sideways universe, the Island is submerged underwater. How did that happen? What happened to the DHARMA people who had been there? What is the significance of its destruction?
Again, I'm sure we'll see this in the finale. My guess is something to do with the hinted-at volcano on the island (the writers hinted that there will be an important explosion in the finale). But maybe Dharma digs too far and accidentally discharges the Source?
7.) Desmond
A relationship with electromagnetic energy probably has something to do with his importance to what is currently happening on the Island, but why does Mocke (Blackie) want him dead? What is Widmore's planning to do with him? Will he ever see Penny again?
Some of this was answered Tuesday…the rest in the finale.
8.) Eloise Hawking
Much like the mysteries surrounding Widmore, we need to know a little bit more about Eloise Hawking. How did she come to live on the Island? When and why did she leave? Why doesn't she have the same last name as her son? Why did she spend so much time in her science sorcery dungeon under the church devising a way for the Losties to return to the Island, but didn't want to go back herself?
Most of this is unimportant, or can be figured out contextually. We don't NEED to know how she came to the island. We know she left before Widmore, and they had a falling out (perhaps due to his affair). She could have a different last name because she remarried. And the Lamp Post was there before Eloise left the island…it was how Dharma found the island in the first place. She probably didn’t go back because she knew it was up to the candidates to do the work (she was always a little more in tune with fate).
9.) Jacob's Army
Jacob had apparently set up an army—Bram, Ilana, etc.—of bodyguards who spent their lives training for whatever war that was going to happen. How did he do this? Why? How did he chose Ilana? What's her deal anyway? Why were none of these army people "candidates"?
Yeah, okay, I agree with this one, but I fear we may not get an answer.
10.) MIB's Name
We know we will get it…in an interview, Hurley said he didn't want to say anything because it's a "cool reveal."
1.) Walt
I think we should just give up any hope of knowing why Walt is "special," why he has creepy powers, and how and why he appeared to Shannon and Locke on the Island after he'd already left. That kid pubed too hard and fast for them to ever really include him in any more central story lines.
I really hope they deal with the emphasis on Walt the first three seasons, but I too have a feeling we won't get it.
2.) Vincent
Did he time travel to 2007 after Juliet activated the atomic bomb? I don't know if we'll ever see him again, but I'm thinking that we might just have to think of him as being safe and sound somewhere, at some time.
3.) Rose and Bernard
They were with Vincent, so whatever happened to him, probably happened to them. But honestly, I don't care for them, because they annoy me and I find Rose to be an asshole.
Personally, I think these story lines are done. They retired. I bet they did time travel to 2007, but just stayed out of it. Who knows, maybe they'll become the foundation for the new Others working under Jack.
4.) Desmond & Penny Photo
Why did Naomi have it in her backpack when she parachuted on to the Island? How the hell did she get a copy of it? I think we have to just forget that ever happened.
Um…she was working for Widmore. She probably was given the photo to see if Desmond was indeed on the island.
5.) Ethan
How did he join up with the Others? Was he partially responsible for the Purge of the DHARMA people? How did he become a doctor? We'll probably never know.
I'm not sure it matters.
6.) Karl
Remember him? He was Alex's 16-year-old boyfriend. If there were fertility issues on the Island, where did he come from? He's certainly not one of the DHARMA people, given his age. Oh well.
Why do we need answers about Karl? Did anyone even like him anyway? He probably wound up on the island the same way Alex did.
7.) Food Drops
Who orchestrated the food drops to the Hatch? Did the Others have a helicopter? That one, I'm sure, will remain a mystery forever.
I would like to know this one. The writers did say this will be answered this season. Here's hoping they weren't lying...
8.) Black Rock Journal
How did the journal of the first mate of the Black Rock get off the Island for Widmore to purchase it at an auction many years later.
Hmm. Good question, but yeah, I don't think we'll ever know.
9.) Christian Shepherd
Beyond being a vessel for MIB, what was Christian Shepherd's deal? Why was his body never discovered, when MIB didn't need Locke's original body to take his form?
Ditto. But, then again, explaining where Christian's body is isn't all that important to the show. Maybe it landed in a cave somewhere. Or maybe Blackie hid it so it couldn't be buried, thus trapping him in Christian's body.
10.) Why Them?
Why, specifically, were these people chosen over all others to be candidates? I think we're just going to have to accept that—beyond being "lost" people—they were just chosen by a casting director.
Jacob explained…kinda. It might not be much, but it's probably all we'll get.
50 Questions Lost Really Does Need To Answer -
(posted May 18th, 2010 on io9.com)
So the island is the place with the glowy light that's inside all of us. Does this mean the Island's alive? People talk about what the island "wants." What do they mean? Is the island Eywa?
For those who didn't see Avatar, Eywa is the "earth spirit," like Gaia. I'm not sure we need these explanations…sometimes things are better left open-ended, and I'm not sure they could explain this one away without being really disappointing (plus, it gives Lost nerds something to argue about for years until Lost is remade as a bad movie/TV show). I don't think the island is alive as much as it's a source of life. But, then again, how does it seem to speak to people?
How come the island heals people? Why does it heal them selectively?
Good question. And another pointing to the island having some sort of "life," or at least thought process.
Who was the woman who raised Jacob and the Man In Black, and how did she get there?
I would like to know more, but I'm not sure we'll get it. We can infer she's Egyptian, I suppose, and probably was shipwrecked. Although an Egyptian shipwreck in the Pacific is even less plausible than a Roman one…but hey, I suppose Polynesians must've sailed to Hawaii, and America, in primitive times…
If Jacob was a Roman, why is he so into Egyptian gods?
I think it was people before him
What was with those Egyptian symbols that appeared in the Hatch when the countdown went past 108 minutes? That didn't seem like the Dharma Initiative's style.
True. It was probably just for effect. Seriously, the first time I saw the symbols, I freaked a little.
Jacob told Alpert some previous visitors to the island had built that Taweret statue. Did he tell them to build it? Why Taweret?
Um, fertility goddess. Can’t have babies on the island. Think about it… The only issues I have with that explanation was that Ethan was born on the island…but again, was he conceived there? Maybe Horace and Amy took a trip back to Ann Arbor and got it on? The issue seemed to stem from conception, as Claire conceived off-island and gave birth no problem. I'm personally more interested in whatever happened to Horace's first wife.
Is Jacob bringing people to the island, as the Man In Black suggests? If so, then who was bringing all those people to the island before Jacob did it? Why does Jacob want to bring so many people to the island? What was he trying to prove to the Man In Black?
Most of these questions have been answered. Jacob brought people for two reasons…to prove to Blackie that they weren't all bad (as well as for "progress"), and to find a replacement. As to who did it before Jacob…maybe the island itself. Or maybe anyone who wound up there did it by accident.
Why did Widmore bring Desmond to the island? What's the sacrifice Desmond has to make?
This was posted prior to What They Died For, so this one was answered…for the most part.
Why was Charlie fated to die, exactly? What did Charlie's death accomplish, in the end?
I think Charlie was needed to figure out the code in the communications room on the underwater hatch. He was the only one who could do it, since he was a musician. Once he served his purpose, there was no reason for him to live anymore.
Was that the Smoke Monster telling Ben and Locke to move the island, back in season four? If so, why did Smokey want the island moved? What did moving the island accomplish exactly?
It got Locke off the island where Ben could kill him. Although, since Smokie (as Christian) chided him for letting Ben do it first, I wonder if Ben was always part of the equation. Another reason…to hide it from Widmore, since Widmore had figured out the coordinates. I think Smokie didn't want Widmore coming back because he knew Widmore, as a former Other, would be against him.
Why was Libby in the same mental hospital as Hurley? What's her deal exactly? Why was she in Australia?
Yeah…I don't think we know all we'll ever know about Libby's original timeline breakdown. Let's assume it's something similar to her reasons in the sideways timeline. As to why she was in Australia, does it matter?
Why did the Smoke Monster kill Mr. Eko? Why did the Smoke Monster leave Rousseau alive after killing or "claiming" the rest of her expedition?
Well, the real reason was Mr. Eko wanted off the show. But in the story, I think it was because he refused to "repent" for his misdeeds. I think Smokie saw him as a good choice for killing Jacob, but he refused to join Smokie, so he was no longer necessary. He even said that Smokie was coming for the rest of the people who journeyed out to the Question Mark Hatch, maybe because Smokie wanted all the candidates dead?
Who made the Rules? Like, what's preventing Smokey from killing the Candidates directly?
Yeah, I'd like to know this too. Or at least get a few hints dropped.
What was so special about Walt? No, really. They made a big deal out of it and everything.
Yeah, I agree. Dare we hold out hope for Walt being in the finale?
Jacob was immortal, right? So what made him decide he needed to start doing such a huge head-hunting search for his replacement?
Probably because he was tired of doing the job. Or he knew Blackie would eventually find his loophole.
Why is Aaron so important? Why wasn't Kate supposed to raise him?
I'm not sure we'll ever know.
Why isn't Kate a candidate?
Because she became a mother, but she was reinstated after giving up Aaron.
What was the Dharma Initiative really up to on the Island? What was their ultimate goal? Why did the Hanso Foundation regard the Dharma Initiative as a failure?
I think they were trying to learn more about the island's properties. They always said the purpose was to make life better for humanity, so they were probably trying to discover the secret of the healing properties. And we know they discovered the teleportation/time travel elements. How they found out about it in the first place is anyone's guess. I assume Hanso considered it a failure because they never figured it all out, and they all mysteriously died.
It seems like everyone who was a passenger on Oceanic 815 has numerous connections that they don't even know about. Like Jack and Claire being half-siblings, and Sawyer's ex-girlfriend helping Kate confront her mom. What caused this excessive degree of synchronicity?
Fate. Jacob. Who knows, but I like it better unexplained.
What really happens if the Smoke Monster leaves the island?
Everything ceases to be, or so we're told…probably find out in the finale.
In the "flash-sideways" universe, the island is under water. When exactly did this happen?
How/when did Roger Linus and Pierre Chang get off the island before it sank?
I don't think we have to know. Maybe Dharma itself gave up before the island sank, but I think there's a different history in the sideways timeline, and Jughead was never exploded. After all, if 815 didn't crash, Jack and Company can't go back in time and cause the Incident.
Why did Ben and Widmore hate each other quite so much? Why couldn't Ben just shoot Widmore in the face that one time when Ben came into Widmore's bedroom?
Widmore hates Ben because Ben got him kicked off the island. I'm sure Ben just wanted to be the leader, and looked for every reason he could to undermine Widmore. We know Ben couldn't kill him because of the rules…but I'm not sure the rules will ever be fully explained.
Why did Widmore order Keamy's gang to kill everyone on the island except for Ben? Especially since Widmore is so keen for Locke to lead the Oceanic Six back to the island a few years later. And why exactly is Widmore so keen for the Oceanic Six to come back to the island? Because they're Candidates? Or some other reason? If he is keen for there to be Candidates on the island, why did he order Keamy to kill them all?
I don't think Widmore had all the information when he sent the freighter (he said that Jacob came to him right after that and explained things). I think he originally just wanted revenge on Ben, and wanted to exploit the island for his own gain.
After Richard Alpert met Jacob and Jacob explained the island to him, why didn't Richard repeat that explanation to everyone he met?
There's something in those who know the island that they feel like they can't explain it. While most viewers think this is an example of the writers not knowing themselves (and maybe it is), I think it plays into the idea that people CAN'T fully understand it. Like Mother said, every answer leads to more questions. And maybe people can only know bits until they figure it out for themselves (like Jack at the Lighthouse).
How did Richard and the Others decide whom to recruit from among the various people who came to the island after that? What was the deal with all those lists? The lists weren't lists of Candidates, since the Others didn't try to recruit Sawyer or Jack. So what were they?
Jacob probably chose the people (specifically kids, since kids couldn't be born on the island), and gave them to Richard in the form of lists.
Why did the Incident in 1977 leave the island's women unable to give birth? What's with the huge importance placed on fertility on the island, what with the Tawaret statue? Why are so many women separated from their babies?
That's assuming the Incident caused the fertility problem (which I have thought in the past, but now am not sure).
So why was Widmore unable to return to the island? And then why was he able to return to the island after all? Also, why did turning the donkey wheel mean that Ben was unable to return to the island, except with the Oceanic Six?
Probably because he and Ben just couldn't find it. It moves around, and seems to have some protective covering of sorts.
What was the deal with that brand on Juliet's lower back? The cross/asterisk thing?
Considering it's from the most hated episode of Lost (even more hated than the Nikki and Paolo episode), I'm going to assume this won't be addressed.
Where did that supply drop come from? You know, the huge pallet of food and stuff?
Yeah I wanna know too…hope the writers keep their promise. Perhaps it was the place Richard "worked" when off island (like when recruiting Juliet).
Who built that weird Dharma Initiative door that leads to a stone wall? Did the Others put it there as part of their fake village?
Probably, although it's possible Dharma found it.
Was Rousseau "claimed" by the Smoke Monster the same way Claire and Sayid were?
Possibly…she was "crazy," and only seemed to change after Sayid showed her kindness.
What was the Sickness that the Dharma Initiative was vaccinating people against? Is it similar to the Smoke Monster "claiming" people, or something else?
I think so, but I don't think we're going to get any more explanation on that. But who knows, maybe...
When the Smoke Monster told Sayid that he could have Nadia back from the dead, was he referring to the "flash sideways" universe, or something else? Or just lying?
I think just lying. He also promised that to Richard. But, as we've been told, dead is dead.
What was the deal with Pierre Chang having so many wacky pseudonyms?
Yeah, why was that?
What were the Others having Kate and Sawyer build? Was it really going to be a runway? For what?
Um…have you watched the show? It was the runway for the Ajira flight.
So if the hydrogen bomb going off caused the "flash sideways" universe and prevented Oceanic 815 from crashing, how did it change Hurley's lottery numbers, or make Sawyer a cop instead of a con-man?
The whole flash-sideways world is different. Not just from 815 on, but the history is different too.
Is Ji Yeon the "Kwon" who's a candidate?
I doubt it.
Who's the mother of Jack's son David in the "flash-sideways" universe? On a related note, where's alt-Juliet?
I think we’ll find out at the concert in the finale.
What happened to the body of Christian Shephard on the "flash-sideways" Flight 815?
Yeah, what did happen to it?
Come to think of it, what happened to Christian's body on the island?
Sayid was "claimed" by the Smoke Monster, but he still had free will afterward. What did that being "claimed" thing mean anyway?
In my mind, the same thing as being made "an Other." You were changed in some small way that made give allegiance to one side or another.
What does god need with a starship? I mean, why does Locke need an airplane to leave the island?
He didn't.
Why are the Numbers so important? I get that each of the Numbers corresponds to one of the remaining Candidates as of a while ago. But that's just another instance of the Numbers popping up in relation to something. Why these numbers? Why were they powerful long before Jack, Hurley, et al. came to the island?
The numbers are part of the Valenzetti Equation, which was supposed to predict the end of the world. It was one of the many things Dharma was working on.
And come to think of it, what was the point of having someone broadcasting the numbers over the radio over and over again for years?
Don't have a snappy answer for that one. Maybe just because they brought that guy so much strife?
If Jacob is dead, and his ghost is wandering around talking to Hurley, what's with the little kid version of Jacob? Why can only certain people, like Sawyer, see the little-kid Jacob?
I assume because he's a candidate. As to why he has to appear as a kid, who knows...
Who was Juliet inviting to coffee?
My guess is Sideways Sawyer, but I think we'll find out in the finale.
Why can't the Smoke Monster cross a line of ash? What about the sonic fence?
Um. Because…he…can't? Can we just say "mysterious rules" and get away with it?
So the Man In Black can't leave the island. But Jacob was wandering off the island all the time, buying Louis Vuitton luggage, touching the Oceanic Six and various other people, and stocking up on Flannery O'Connor books. At one point, Jacob opened a dance studio in Newark. What gives?
Jacob isn't a smokie. Although how he got off the island is anyone's guess. Maybe it's a protector power.
When Ben took Locke to Jacob's Cabin, there was a weird telekinetic storm and Locke heard a voice saying "Help me." Was that Jacob? Or the M.I.B.? What sort of help did the voice have in mind? More importantly, what's with the dog painting in Jacob's Cabin???
I think it was Blackie, and he knew exactly how to play Locke. As to the dog painting…I don't know…maybe he really likes Vincent? After all, it was Blackie (in Christian's form…well, I assume anyway) who told Vincent to go wake him (Jack) up after the crash
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